
Kayla, Tuesday

1. Peter Block meeting from 8:00-9:30 (and eat breakfast)
2. Housing Team meeting from 9:30-10:30
3. Catch up with Barb from 10:30-11:00
4. Return phone calls/ clean out inbox from 11:00-12:00
5. Work on PowerPoint Presentation data from 12:00-1:15 (and eat my lunch)
6. Homelessness Prevention Funding meeting at the United Way from 1:30-3:00
7. Back to work, finish up the day from 3:15-5:00
8. Home/work out/shower from 5:00-7:00
9. Reheat Veggie Lasagne for dinner from 7:00-7:30
10. Watch Jeapordy from 7:30-8:00
11. Finish up taxes from 8:00-9:00
12. Toddlers and Tiaras until midnight!!!

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