
Don Don, Thursday

1. Today I have already spent the morning writing, more specifically, creating options for Chapter 1 and how it will open.

1.5. I love Kay Kay

2. Next, I will go and run towards Mariemont for a total distance of 10-12 miles.

3. When I return, there will be situps, and leg-lifts, and squats.

4. Fourthly, lunch will be prepared, a small feast for a tiny man.

5. When the blood is well circulated, I will return to that first chapter, and draft three options for the middle segment.

6. I will board the bus heading towards the University-- never fast enough-- possibly listen to music, more possibly spy on conversations.

7. Seated in workshop I will receive stories to read, lessons to learn, and a syllabus.

8. I might purchase food and alcohol. I might take the bus home, at 7:44.

9. Ninth, I should probably plan a bit for class tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Those are some nice sentences ;-)

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