1. Laundry
2. Walgreens
3. Jerry Springer: The Opera
4. Exercise
5. Jersey Mike's
Kayla, Saturday
This dog looks EXACTLY like Zola down to the white spot on her hip!
(if you want to see it you're going to have to copy and paste because I don't know how the links work)
1. Watch Donnie run the blast
2. Latino Tenant Ed
3. Library--the only things I have checked out now are four US Weeklies and an exercise video. Sad.
4. Workout
(if you want to see it you're going to have to copy and paste because I don't know how the links work)
1. Watch Donnie run the blast
2. Latino Tenant Ed
3. Library--the only things I have checked out now are four US Weeklies and an exercise video. Sad.
4. Workout
Kayla, Friday
1. Battled with my 8:00 call
2. Update code violations for all of Sedamsville
3. Make my absentee owner list for Lower Price Hill
4. Interview at noon
5. Send out Housing Committee reminder
6. Find out about the Spanish Tenant Education Class that will be tomorrow
7. Library
8. Home/workout/shower/dinner
9. Movie
2. Update code violations for all of Sedamsville
3. Make my absentee owner list for Lower Price Hill
4. Interview at noon
5. Send out Housing Committee reminder
6. Find out about the Spanish Tenant Education Class that will be tomorrow
7. Library
8. Home/workout/shower/dinner
9. Movie
Donnie, Thursday
1. Ran- 6.5
2. Prepared food: Breakfast/Lunch/Snack:Bagel/sandwich/Bagel
4. Sweet, please leave the dishes and I will get them when I get home.
5. I am going to start a short story tonight.
2. Prepared food: Breakfast/Lunch/Snack:Bagel/sandwich/Bagel
4. Sweet, please leave the dishes and I will get them when I get home.
5. I am going to start a short story tonight.
Kayla, Thursday
1. Hopefully get a chance to do some of the things I've been meaning to do all week: update Sedamsville buildings, make an absentee owner list, start the Resident Association news, client followup. If not, these will have to happen tomorrow.
2. Send vacant building info and homeownership initiative information to Puck
3. Send out Housing Committee reminder
4. CDC awards at 11:30
5. Interview at 3:00 with lady next door
6. Work on evaluating this week's one to ones
7. Home/workout/dinner
2. Send vacant building info and homeownership initiative information to Puck
3. Send out Housing Committee reminder
4. CDC awards at 11:30
5. Interview at 3:00 with lady next door
6. Work on evaluating this week's one to ones
7. Home/workout/dinner
Kayla, Wednesday
1. Title transferred, license plate bought, insurance updated--total time: 1 hour
2. Call Legal Aid about lead
3. Call landlord about tenant
4. Client follow up
5. Prepare our display for the Community Development Awards lunch tomorrow
6. Type interviews from yesterday
7. Interview at 2, another at 2:30
8. Home, workout, shower
9. Dinner
10. Read, maybe watch "War Dance" If you haven't seen "My Kid Could Paint That" you should!
2. Call Legal Aid about lead
3. Call landlord about tenant
4. Client follow up
5. Prepare our display for the Community Development Awards lunch tomorrow
6. Type interviews from yesterday
7. Interview at 2, another at 2:30
8. Home, workout, shower
9. Dinner
10. Read, maybe watch "War Dance" If you haven't seen "My Kid Could Paint That" you should!
Donnie, Wednesday
Kayla, Tuesday Afternoon
Sweet! I hope you see this, my phone is dead so I can't call you, but I'm going to be running late (I've got someone coming for an interview at 5:00) but I should be back by 6:00. See ya then.
Kayla, Tuesday
1. Housing Team meeting in 15 minutes--discuss stipulations, IDAs, tenant ed, client tracts
2. Get my email follow up down to ZERO
3. AHA meeting at noon
4. Type up 121 notes from yesterday
5. Library
6. Mail our rent
7. Start compiling list of owners of vacant buildings
8. Meet with treasurer of Res. Association at 3:00
9. Meet with another resident at 4:00
10. Home/workout
11. Dinner?
2. Get my email follow up down to ZERO
3. AHA meeting at noon
4. Type up 121 notes from yesterday
5. Library
6. Mail our rent
7. Start compiling list of owners of vacant buildings
8. Meet with treasurer of Res. Association at 3:00
9. Meet with another resident at 4:00
10. Home/workout
11. Dinner?
Donnie, Monday
1. Ran 5
2. Worked 4
3. Skipped out for lunch (that's how I am writing this list)
4. Hand Kayla her key
5. Walk home
6. Wash dishes
7. Pizza!
8. Feast of Lurv
2. Worked 4
3. Skipped out for lunch (that's how I am writing this list)
4. Hand Kayla her key
5. Walk home
6. Wash dishes
7. Pizza!
8. Feast of Lurv
Kayla, Monday
1. Read through all these emails
2. Meeting at SmartMoney Community Services about collaborating on Tenant Ed.
3. Lunch with Kurt?
4. Work on data
5. Update Sedamsville building list
6. Wish List paperwork
7. Contact 3 people to set up one to ones
8. Write one to one questions
9. Home--find my key!
10. Run a few
11. Pizza and Jon and Kate
2. Meeting at SmartMoney Community Services about collaborating on Tenant Ed.
3. Lunch with Kurt?
4. Work on data
5. Update Sedamsville building list
6. Wish List paperwork
7. Contact 3 people to set up one to ones
8. Write one to one questions
9. Home--find my key!
10. Run a few
11. Pizza and Jon and Kate
Donnie, Saturday!
1. 10 X 400 meters (69,69,69,69,67,69,69,70,66,68)
2. Large coffee tasty muffin
3. work
4. a little jog?
5. Finish Plague of Doves!
6. Work on final paper?
7. Dine on stale bread and poison tomatoes
2. Large coffee tasty muffin
3. work
4. a little jog?
5. Finish Plague of Doves!
6. Work on final paper?
7. Dine on stale bread and poison tomatoes
Kayla, Saturday
1. Leave here by 8:15
2. Drive to friggin SPRINGDALE
3. Community Organizing/Leadership training from 9-5
4. Drive home (at least it's not weekday traffic)
5. Run a few
6. What to do for dinner... I've got some salmonella tomatoes and a rock hard baguette
2. Drive to friggin SPRINGDALE
3. Community Organizing/Leadership training from 9-5
4. Drive home (at least it's not weekday traffic)
5. Run a few
6. What to do for dinner... I've got some salmonella tomatoes and a rock hard baguette
Kayla, Thursday
1. I think we're supposed to plant a garden...
2. Get check requests signed
3. Finish paperwork/follow up for clients
4. Prepare for Monday's meeting about collaborating with the financial literacy agency
5. Send out Public Nuisance Hearing letter
6. Go home/work out/make dinner
7. Read
2. Get check requests signed
3. Finish paperwork/follow up for clients
4. Prepare for Monday's meeting about collaborating with the financial literacy agency
5. Send out Public Nuisance Hearing letter
6. Go home/work out/make dinner
7. Read
Kayla, Wednesday
1. Check emails (too many!)
2. Print Agenda for Resident Association meeting
3. Get coffee, pastries for Resident Association meeting
3. 11:00 go to that meeting
4. 1:00 site meeting
5. Return phone calls from yesterday
6. Contact landlords of people who attended class
7. Call Abby to ask about her data
8. Pay my car payment
9. Go home/work out
10. Dinner
11. Read "Snoop: What your stuff says about you"
2. Print Agenda for Resident Association meeting
3. Get coffee, pastries for Resident Association meeting
3. 11:00 go to that meeting
4. 1:00 site meeting
5. Return phone calls from yesterday
6. Contact landlords of people who attended class
7. Call Abby to ask about her data
8. Pay my car payment
9. Go home/work out
10. Dinner
11. Read "Snoop: What your stuff says about you"
Donnie, Tuesday
1st inning 2 outs Full Count
Ground ball to the 3rd baseman
1st base: Plague of Doves
2nd base: Plague of work
3rd base: Athletics workout
Ground ball to the 3rd baseman
1st base: Plague of Doves
2nd base: Plague of work
3rd base: Athletics workout
Kayla, Tuesday
1. Wake up insanely early--what am i an elementary school teacher?? That's why I'm doing the to do list the night before, there's no way I'll do it in the morning.
2. Be at the Financial Stability Summit in time to meet the other early doers
3. Learn how to help my clients manage their finances (and pick up some tips for myself, too)
4. Work out
5. Cook quesadillas
2. Be at the Financial Stability Summit in time to meet the other early doers
3. Learn how to help my clients manage their finances (and pick up some tips for myself, too)
4. Work out
5. Cook quesadillas
Donnie, Friday
1. I need to move from this chair but it is soooooo hot in this room.
2. Harry Potter translating
3. Clean house
4. Jog
5. Walk Dog
6. Plague of Doves/Writing time
7. Spot time
8. Home
9. Jersey Mike's
10.Arm Wrestle
2. Harry Potter translating
3. Clean house
4. Jog
5. Walk Dog
6. Plague of Doves/Writing time
7. Spot time
8. Home
9. Jersey Mike's
10.Arm Wrestle
Kayla, Friday

1. Get dressed/ Get to work
2. Edit Housing Committee notes, send to B
3. Get in touch with Urban Appalachian
4. Take tenant education materials to Price Hill Will, get key for tomorrow
5. Make reminder calls to people who registered for the class
6. Paint the second floor hallway
7. Get in touch with Maggie and tell her that it's okay if she leaves in the morning on Sunday, we'll ask someone at Donnie's work to come let Zo out
8. Find some nice light reading material at the library... maybe the People magazine with Jodi Sweetin on the cover
9. Run
10. Dinner?
Kayla, Thursday
1. Enter housing data
2. Register for training session on data reporting
3. Get all of A's paperwork, landlord list
4. Follow up with clients
5. Finish Resident Association flyer
6. Potluck party
7. Start preparing for Tenant Education Class
8. Housing Committee follow up
9. Work out
10. Greet Donnie after his dinner party
11. Probably finish my Jen Lancaster book
2. Register for training session on data reporting
3. Get all of A's paperwork, landlord list
4. Follow up with clients
5. Finish Resident Association flyer
6. Potluck party
7. Start preparing for Tenant Education Class
8. Housing Committee follow up
9. Work out
10. Greet Donnie after his dinner party
11. Probably finish my Jen Lancaster book
Donnie, Wednesday

1. I'm really thirsty right now.
2. Prepare a glass of water.
3. Day 2 translate Harry Potter y La Piedra de Filosofal
4. Important work like outlining my final in class essay
5. Continue work on Native Son Essay
6. Oil change
7. Clean car
8. Pick up Kay when she says she's ready.
9. Snickity Snack
10. Earth Drummers
11. Continue reading The Plague of Doves, which is turning out to be excellent.
12. Call Kayla and dance.
Kayla, Wednesday
1. Go to the Queen City Barrel demolition kick off at 10:00
2. Visit client on Hatmaker
3. Fax Tenant Ed information to Legal Aid
4. Get in touch with our Development Director
5. Find out if I'm supposed to go to the St. Michael's meeting at 3:00
6. Get picked up in a clean car with new oil
7. Study for GIS final, take test
8. Make pasta for the potluck tomorrow
9. just beat it beat it beat it beat it!
2. Visit client on Hatmaker
3. Fax Tenant Ed information to Legal Aid
4. Get in touch with our Development Director
5. Find out if I'm supposed to go to the St. Michael's meeting at 3:00
6. Get picked up in a clean car with new oil
7. Study for GIS final, take test
8. Make pasta for the potluck tomorrow
9. just beat it beat it beat it beat it!
Donnie, Tuesday
1. Translated Page 1 of Harry Potter y La Piedra de Filosofal into English
2. Sorting pages
3. I would love to type at least 5 pages of this 25 page paper.
4. Veggie Burger--Thanks sweet!
5. Print off final paper!
6. Run
7. Organize notes for final in class essay on Thursday
8. Greet Kayla and her new phone.
9. Prepare Indian Feast
10. Continue reading The Plague of Doves
2. Sorting pages
3. I would love to type at least 5 pages of this 25 page paper.
4. Veggie Burger--Thanks sweet!
5. Print off final paper!
6. Run
7. Organize notes for final in class essay on Thursday
8. Greet Kayla and her new phone.
9. Prepare Indian Feast
10. Continue reading The Plague of Doves
Kayla, Tuesday
1. Try to figure out a way for the Community Council to get Publisher software
2. Work on our housing program brochure
3. Housing Team meeting at 9:30
4. Type Housing Committee minutes from last night
5. Work on Resident Association news
6. Meeting with the new youth worker at 2:00
7. Call Sedamsville clients
8. Get a new phone and a fan
9. Study for my GIS final
10. Dinner--Indian?
2. Work on our housing program brochure
3. Housing Team meeting at 9:30
4. Type Housing Committee minutes from last night
5. Work on Resident Association news
6. Meeting with the new youth worker at 2:00
7. Call Sedamsville clients
8. Get a new phone and a fan
9. Study for my GIS final
10. Dinner--Indian?
Donnie, Monday
1. I went running and lifted some weights
2. Sort of panicking now, it seems that I have poison ivy and it's spreading.
3. Work through the itching grade papers brush up on pedagogy.
4. Make lunch.
5. Spot
6. run #2
7. Greet Kay after her meeting.
8. Watch other people's lives.
2. Sort of panicking now, it seems that I have poison ivy and it's spreading.
3. Work through the itching grade papers brush up on pedagogy.
4. Make lunch.
5. Spot
6. run #2
7. Greet Kay after her meeting.
8. Watch other people's lives.
Kayla, Monday
1. Answer emails
2. Send out Housing Committee reminder email
3. Update Problem Property list for meeting tonight; print agendas and minutes
4. Work on Resident Association newsletter
5. Pick up my new library books, take back the damaged magazines :-(
6. Partners meeting at 4:00
7. Grab a baked potato
8. Housing Committee meeting at 6:00
9. Dinner with Donnie
10. Is there a new Jon and Kate on or are we in repeats yet?
2. Send out Housing Committee reminder email
3. Update Problem Property list for meeting tonight; print agendas and minutes
4. Work on Resident Association newsletter
5. Pick up my new library books, take back the damaged magazines :-(
6. Partners meeting at 4:00
7. Grab a baked potato
8. Housing Committee meeting at 6:00
9. Dinner with Donnie
10. Is there a new Jon and Kate on or are we in repeats yet?
Zola, Sunday

1. Wake up nervous because I don't know where I am
2. Poop in a strange place
3. Ride in the back of the car
4. Freak out when my dad goes into Starbucks and I have to stay on the sidewalk
5. Freak out when a hundred people all take off running at once
6. Knock down a little girl who wants to play
7. Break out of my collar and chase a man who I think is my dad
8. Knock my mom over and make her drop her RENTED People magazine in a puddle of water
9. Steal a cookie from the bake sale
10. Steal a piece of bread from the man trying to pet me
11. Get in a tussle with a smaller dog
12. Ride in the back of the car some more
13. Lick my mom's TCBY
14. "Greet" Emer at the door
15. Conk out on the bed for hours
Kayla and Donnie, Saturday
Kayla, Friday
1. Ran 3
2. Got my hair cut SHORT
3. Took Donnie to pick out some specs
4. Had Jersey Mikes
5. Returning phone calls
6. Work for a couple more hours
7. Clean the house
8. Some carbs for dinner
2. Got my hair cut SHORT
3. Took Donnie to pick out some specs
4. Had Jersey Mikes
5. Returning phone calls
6. Work for a couple more hours
7. Clean the house
8. Some carbs for dinner
Kayla, Thursday
1. Helped set up the volunteers
2. Went to the Public Allies Presentations of Learning
3. Came back to find the second floor hallway taped and primed
4. Return phone calls
5. Leave early to exercise
6. Back to Sedamsville by 7:15 for the problem property "drive by"
7. Hopefully finish Martin Dressler
2. Went to the Public Allies Presentations of Learning
3. Came back to find the second floor hallway taped and primed
4. Return phone calls
5. Leave early to exercise
6. Back to Sedamsville by 7:15 for the problem property "drive by"
7. Hopefully finish Martin Dressler
Donnie, Thursday
-1. Skipped shower, caught bus.
1. Attend Pedagogy class--last day
2. Quick bite from Wendy's
3. Up to the office for hours. (1-3)
4. Down to the bus for a ride home.
5. Into the heat for a run.
6. Into the shower for my first of the day.
7. Sweep
8. Build sandwiches.
9. Find a way to find money.
1. Attend Pedagogy class--last day
2. Quick bite from Wendy's
3. Up to the office for hours. (1-3)
4. Down to the bus for a ride home.
5. Into the heat for a run.
6. Into the shower for my first of the day.
7. Sweep
8. Build sandwiches.
9. Find a way to find money.
Kayla, Wednesday
1. Try to get my beautiful maps into City Hall without them getting soaking wet
2. Try to convince Roxanne Qualls that North State Ave. needs rezoned to prevent the spread of industrial uses into a residential neighborhood
3. Try to get back to work in time for 1:00 site meeting
4. Try to get client to apartment showing at 2:00
5. Try to find housing for 2 other clients
6. Try to get the Enquirer to change our address--FOURTH phone call
7. Try to figure out why it says "homeowners policy" on our renter's insurance
8. Try to remember the difference between unions and joins for my GIS quiz
9. Try to stay awake through class
2. Try to convince Roxanne Qualls that North State Ave. needs rezoned to prevent the spread of industrial uses into a residential neighborhood
3. Try to get back to work in time for 1:00 site meeting
4. Try to get client to apartment showing at 2:00
5. Try to find housing for 2 other clients
6. Try to get the Enquirer to change our address--FOURTH phone call
7. Try to figure out why it says "homeowners policy" on our renter's insurance
8. Try to remember the difference between unions and joins for my GIS quiz
9. Try to stay awake through class
Donnie, Monday
1. Taught class/ran
2. Finish essay critiques.
3. Make turkey sandwiches.
4. write some novel
5. shower
6. work
7. home
8. brush up final paper
9. Read another Thomas McGuane story
2. Finish essay critiques.
3. Make turkey sandwiches.
4. write some novel
5. shower
6. work
7. home
8. brush up final paper
9. Read another Thomas McGuane story
Kayla, Monday
1. Flexed time: finished GIS project, ran 3, took Zo to the park, rearranged the toppling BILLY bookcase (DON'T BUY ONE!)
2. Emails/voicemails
3. Check on the van for Thursday
4. Type up Housing Committee agenda, send to B.
5. Call contractor
6. Send building list to inspector
7. Grab a bite before my evening meetings
8. CPOP at 6:00
9. Community Council from 7:00 to 9:ish
10. Watch a little Jon and Kate if I get home in time--welcome back tube!
2. Emails/voicemails
3. Check on the van for Thursday
4. Type up Housing Committee agenda, send to B.
5. Call contractor
6. Send building list to inspector
7. Grab a bite before my evening meetings
8. CPOP at 6:00
9. Community Council from 7:00 to 9:ish
10. Watch a little Jon and Kate if I get home in time--welcome back tube!
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