
Kayla, The Rest of Sunday

1. 7:30-1:00: Finished 3 modules out of 4 on the foreclosure counselor class
2. 1:00-2:30: work out tape, jog
3: 2:30-3:00: shower, sandwich
4. 3:00-4:00: finish module 4
5. 4:00-5:00: grocery shopping
6. 5:00-6:30: put away groceries, make salmon patties and mac and cheese
7. 6:30-7:00: vacuum the house, clean up dinner dishes
8. 7:00-8:30: do allocated spending plan for October
9. 8:30-9:00: read the Dudley Street book
10.9:00-9:30: read Cicinnati Magazine (love the new format!) and fall asleep

whoo hoo! i have so much fun on the weekend!!!

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